Aarohana - Incubation Program

AIC-CCRI-CED offers an incubation Program for coffee startups, encompassing tailored support, expert guidance, and access to essential resources. The incubation program is meticulously designed to empower budding coffee entrepreneurs.

List of Services available for the Startups

  • Business & Technical Mentorship
  • Access to Seed Funding
  • Workspace and common facilities
  • Business Networking Services
  • Legal & Administrative Support
  • Capacity Building Training Programs
  • Coffee-Research & Development
Atal Incubation Centre (1) (1)

Click the button below to download the Pitch deck Format for applying to the incubation services.

How to apply?

  1. Any entrepreneur who is enthusiastic about the coffee and allied sectors, as well as trainees of the entrepreneurial classes of the Coffee Board, are eligible for incubation at AIC CCRI.
  2. The eligible startups will be selected by the Screening Cum Selection Committee, with the selection based on the preparation of a business plan. After the startup is selected, an agreement with AIC-CCRI-CED must be completed.
  3. The incubation period will be a maximum of 18 months, subject to regular progress in the incubation process.
  4. The achievements and performance of the selected startups will be reviewed every quarter, and their continuation as incubatees will be subject to the achievement of milestones.